E&T&C Certificate
$1050 / Year
- Full Third Party*
- Certificate valid for one year
- (renovation cost 660€ year)
- Your logo on our website.
- Promotion on our Social Networks.
- * You will need to look for an auditor yourself. This auditor must be accredited through our online training system.
Promo Launch
$730/ Year
- Special Launch Offer
- Promotion valid till 01/01/2023
- Full Third Party*
- Certificate valid for one year
- (renovation cost 660€ year)
- Your logo on our website.
- Promotion on our Social Networks.
- * You will need to look for an auditor yourself. This auditor must be accredited through our online training system.
E&T&C certificate + Full Audit
$5050/ Year
- Full Third Party
- We provide you with an auditor.
- Your logo on our website.
- Your Case Study on our website
- Promotion on our Social Networks.